The Committee of cultural promotion of Montefoscoli
The “Comitato di promozione culturale di Montefoscoli” (the Committee of cultural promotion of Montefoscoli” is an association that promotes events, manifestations and parties on his territory. The 16 th of April 1996 a group of people, all volunteers and willing opened the “Museo della civiltà Contadina”, extended then with the rooms at the upper part of the Casa “Museo Famiglia Vaccà Berlinghieri” (Family House Vaccà Berlighieri) in the 2005.
To manage the Museum the same people had previously constituted an association, the “Comitato di Promozione Culturale di Montefoscoli”, later registered to the Onlus register, made of a directive council and over 100 partners. The partners of the Committee at the first time manage and keep the museum and tools exposed, moreover they guarantee the Sunday openings of the museum planned from the beginning of April to the end of October. The association provides for the organization of parties, soirees and socio-cultural events, as well as guided visits of the museum and the Family House Vaccà Berlighieri , both for privates / little groups and for associations / school groups.
But the committee, in addition to the organization of parties and events, deals with charity and lots of events are linked to this.

For information and reservations consult the opening hours of the Museum of Peasant Civilization of Montefoscoli